Past & Present Clergy of St. James Church
left to right: Fr. Ross Stuckey, Rector Emeritus; Dcn. Connie Tyndall, former parish deacon; Fr. John Biggs, former rector; Fr. Isaac Petty, Rector; Dcn. Suzy Lynch, parish deacon
The members of the clergy serving St. James parish provide pastoral and sacramental care, as well as providing administrative oversight.

Bishop Provisional
The Right Reverend Diane M. Jardine Bruce
As Episcopalians, the role of our bishop is central for the ongoing life of the church. While the bishop oversees the whole diocese, her leadership on that level guides many of our common ministries and connects us to the wider church. In our tradition, the sacraments of confirmation and ordination are reserved for bishop.
Bishop Bruce began her ministry in West Missouri in December 2021. Before coming to us as our Bishop Provisional (an interim bishop), she served as a Bishop Suffragan in the Diocese of Los Angeles for 11 years.

The Reverend Suzanne Lynch
Deacons are ordained to a ministry of servanthood in the Church and in the world. A deacon assigned to a parish shares in the pastoral and liturgical care of the congregation, along with the unique gifting each deacon brings to the life of the church.
Deacon Suzy began her ministry at St. James in 2007. In addition to her service in this parish, she serves the greater Springfield area as a hospice chaplain.

The Reverend Isaac Petty Pierjok
The Rector is the presbyter who leads the parish as pastor, priest, and teacher. The responsibility for the administration of the sacraments, the formation and pastoral care of souls, and the operations of the church are entrusted with the Rector of the parish.
Fr. Isaac, the tenth Rector of St. James, began his ministry here in May 2023, having previously served churches in the Kansas City area. Fr. Isaac is married to Fr. Joe Pierjok, the Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Carthage, MO.

The Reverend Silas Engstrom
A curate is a newly ordained priest that serves as an assisting minister. During their curacy, the new priest assists the Rector with pastoral, liturgical, and formational responsibilities and receives mentorship in developing their priestly ministry.
​Fr. Si began his ministry at St. James in 2024 after graduation from Virginia Theological Seminary.
The staff serving St. James parish provide administrative, ministerial, and operational support.

Parish Administrator
Andrew Kraft

Organist & Choirmaster
Dr. Jeremy Chesman

Vickie Hamilton

Children's Minister
Tatum Trader
The Vestry is the governing board of St. James parish, meeting regularly to conduct the business of and provide oversight on the various facets of our church's common life

Senior Warden
Anne Breid
The Senior Warden is selected by the Rector from among the members of the Vestry to chair the Vestry in the absence of the Rector and serve as a recognized lay leader for the spiritual life and organizational needs of the parish.
Scott Pope
The Secretary of the parish is elected by and from among the members of the Vestry, primarily for the sake of reporting meeting minutes and official communications.
Members at Large
TJ Donelow
Elizabeth James
Sarah Goebig
Emily Tappana
Robert Lanning
Vestry members are elected at the annual Parish Meeting and serve three-year terms.
Junior Warden
Elaine Atkinson
The Junior Warden is elected by and from among the members of the Vestry to serve as a primary point person for matters pertaining to life and organization of the parish.
Treasurer / Assistant Treasurer
Eric Atkinson / Sarah Goebig
The Treasurer is elected by the Vestry, but not necessarily from among the elected members of the Vestry, to provide general financial oversight for the parish, though without being a voting member of the Vestry. The assistant treasurer is optional position elected by the Vestry to assist the treasuer.