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2025 Pledge & Planning

As we are planning and preparing to serve Christ and our neighbors in the coming year, mark (or list names, if completing as a family) the ways you would like to be involved in our parish’s ministry, both the ways in which you currently serve and any ways you are interested in serving:

To faithfully steward the gifts God has given us as a parish community, it is most helpful to have an estimate of financial giving (a pledge, as they have been known) so we can best plan for aligning our collective gifts with our opportunities. Our budget is almost entirely funded by our members giving financially. This budgeting process is not unlike a family budget, where the income from the members of the family is listed and then expenses are navigated as best as possible. As the 2025 budget is being developed in response to the input from these Pledge & Planning forms and our other discernment events, we will share and receive feedback with the parish, as the budget is to reflect our common commitments to our mission and ministry.


contributing the above amount:

Thanks for submitting!

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